Tuesday, March 3

Reaction to Ruse and Wilson

During the last class my decided that Ruse and Wilson believe that a large part of your morals are passed to you genetically from your parents. My reaction to this was that, while I have similar morals to my parents, we differ on some things. I want to know why we would not be identical in our moral code. Ruse and Wilson believe that this would be my morals being influenced by others people morals or that one person’s genes have influenced or “deceived” my genes. I find this difficult to believe. If we were just influencing each other’s genes, why do we have the ability to reason? Another question I thought about is if morals are genetic, then how has society progressed and changed its moral beliefs through history? For example, until August 26, 1920 women could not vote in America. I’m sure that before this time some people thought that is was morally wrong for women to vote. At some point in time people made a logical argument that women should have the same rights as men and therefore should be able to vote. If this argument can be explained by one person’s genes influencing another person’s genes, then do some people still have the genes that make them believe that for moral purposes women should not have equal rights as men? Can this belief really be linked to genes? I don’t think it can.

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